Art Discovery: Monumental Installations

“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” —Pericles A profound and honest sentiment, but it could be argued that sculpture artists, particularly large-scale sculpture artists whose work graces public spaces, actually leave both behind.  For Bryce Pettit, Ryan Schmidt and Todd […]

Art Discovery: The Line Between Abstraction and Realism

“Nobody is visually naive any longer. We are cluttered with images, and only abstract art can bring us to the threshold of the divine.” ~ Dominique de Menilm, well-known philanthropist, activist, and art collector. Of course, the art world did not always see things the way Dominique did. The Impressionists, who sought to capture light, […]

Art Discovery: The Allure of the Figure

Pablo Picasso once said, “Neither is there figurative and non-figurative art. All things appear to us in the shape of forms. Even in metaphysics ideas are expressed by forms. Well then, think how absurd it would be to think of painting without the imagery of forms. A figure, an object, a circle, are forms; they […]

Art Discovery: Art of Joy

“The true value of art lies not in the product that is created, but in the portal it provides to higher forms of consciousness, fearlessness, and love.”  – Whitney Ferre’ In this Art Discovery virtual series, we chat with artists, collectors, and enthusiasts about how they create and experience the joy of art. Art can […]

Art Discovery: All About Glass

Glass artists are truly shapeshifters as they take raw glass tubes or shards then heat and manipulate them through various techniques including glass blowing, flamework, fusing, casting and stained glass. The end result can range from small to very large installations that captivate the viewer. In our latest episode of Art Discovery, artists Caleb Siegler, […]

Art Discovery: Wonders of Wildlife

Wildlife and nature have long captivated our imagination. For many, being out in nature and experiencing the wild feeds the soul and renews the spirit. Wildlife artists capture the sensation of being close to nature and allow us to bring it home.  In our first fully virtual Art Discovery, artists Paul Rhymer, Cathy Sheeter, and […]

Art Discovery: Facts & Facets of Jewelry Making

“Jewelry has the power to be the one little thing that makes you feel unique.” – Elizabeth Taylor. In this Art Discovery virtual series, artists Shelli Kahl, Diana Ferguson, and Paul Farmer share their inspiration and visions of how to make a stunning statement with jewelry.  With a keen eye, these jewelry makers have perfected […]

Art Discovery: Figuratively Speaking

“And painted portraits have a life of their own that comes from deep in the soul of the painter and where the machine can’t go.” – Vincent Van Gogh The human form is the conduit through which we experience life and the instrument through which we express our emotions. In a general sense, art captures […]

Art Discovery Live: Turn Up the Heat

“Heat, like gravity, penetrates every substance of the universe, its rays occupy all parts of space.” ~ Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier Heat, when applied to certain raw materials, has the ability to completely transform the chemical structure of that material. And some artists have tapped into this fascinating process to transform raw materials –– metals, […]

Art Discovery: Landscapes and Light

Paul Cezanne once said, “To paint from nature is not to paint the subject, but to realize sensations.” Ask any landscape painter today and they would agree. Capturing the light and atmosphere is key to revealing the “sensations” of the landscape. In this Art Discovery session, artists Martin Blundell, Kirk Randle, Becky Pashia and Matt […]