One look at Colin Branham’s work and it’s easy to feel the undulating sense of freedom and exploration that courses through his abstract pieces. Perhaps this comes through because Colin uses his art as a medium to find new ways of doing things––constantly exploring and experimenting.

Though he comes from a lineage of artists, Colin’s work is very much an expression of his voice which he conveys through texture, and striking the right balance between positive and negative space. The result is artwork that is rich with kinetic energy, yet still calming.

Read on or watch the video below to learn more about Colin Branham and his journey as a professional artist.

When did you know art was your calling?

I’ve kind of grown up in the studio. My mother is an artist (Robin Branham). Her father was an artist, and he was my neighbor growing up. So, between those two influences and then coming to the Celebration of Fine Art as a child, I’ve kind of been around it my whole life.

What do you love most about creating art?

The thing I love most about the creative process is just the freedom. Whether it’s the freedom to make what I want to make and when, or the colors, the design, etc.

How do you keep yourself challenged?

The way I keep it constantly evolving kind of goes back to the freedom part–– the ability to explore and try new things. I spend a lot of time in the studio––I don’t have a lot of hobbies––so it’s just a lot of playing around and trying new things. I like to explore different ways of creating new work and trying to push things in different directions, and then seeing how people respond to it is always interesting too.

What brings you back to the Celebration of Fine Art?

It’s a great show. It’s always nice to come back and see the other artists––there’s a little bit of a community here––and see past clientele and meet new clientele. It’s always interesting to showcase a new body of work to people and see how they respond. Not necessarily for the validation, but still interesting to get a certain degree of feedback. It’s quite an experience.