Meet the Artist: Elizabeth Butler is a Channel for Her Artwork

For artist Elizabeth Butler, one of the greatest rewards of creating art is when she can reach a state of flow––when she simply becomes a channel for the expression of art to flow through. In this interview, she shares what that experience is like, how her work has evolved over the years, and how she’s exploring combining metal leaf with her oil paintings.

Art Discovery: Flower Power

Humans have a unique connection to flowers––biologically, emotionally, socially and aesthetically. They are symbols of abundance, life, affection, beauty, joy, and positivity. Their complexity––texture, color, shape, behavior––is magnetizing and creates limitless opportunities for enjoyment and exploration through art.

Uncovering the Dynamic Power and Beauty of Florals

Elizabeth Butler was raised in a big family that loved art. Creativity was encouraged and nurtured, which led her to explore a number of mediums from a young age. She always knew art would be a part of her life, but she didn’t know it could be her career. While in college, Elizabeth pursued a […]

Artist Reveal: Elizabeth Butler

 If you are the type of person who can’t help but stop and smell the roses, there’s one name you must know: Elizabeth Butler. Elizabeth isn’t simply known for her original oil floral paintings. She’s known for their intense and extravagant beauty, and her ability to illustrate abundance and drama through the use of rich […]