Art Discovery Talks

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Art Discovery: The New Old West

Modern Western art…can it be? Indeed it can! Meet the artists who are introducing a vibrant, modernist twist on art of the West. This week, artists Shannon Leigh, Jerry Salinas and Ray Tigerman will share how they use color, style and subject matter to ‘break the rules’ to create a distinctive take on Western art.

Art Discovery: Journey Inside the Creative Process

Bringing a piece of art from start to finish is often a multi-layered process that may involve travel and exploration, collecting objects, photography, digital tools, and layers of substrates, techniques and other media.

Art Discovery: Artificial vs. Emotional Intelligence

AI has officially infiltrated various aspects of our daily lives. Most of us interact with it in some capacity without even knowing it. But when it comes to art, where does AI fit in? Should it fit in? Or should art remain our connection to true handcraft––to emotional intelligence vs. artificial?

Art Discovery: Vitamin [A]rt

The creation of art has long been used as a healing mechanism, but it turns out, viewing it has superpowers too. Discover how color, texture and the subject matter impact our cognition and overall well-being.

Art Discovery: The Art of Collecting & Showcasing Your Collection

Part of the joy of collecting art is building a collection that expresses your personality and story, and often that means mixing genres and mediums. Discover how to bring it all together to make the most of your collection. Artists Becky Pashia, Matt Sievers and Ray Tigerman share their tips for building a collection.

Art Discovery: Drawing on Experience

Drawing skills are the foundation of design and have been used as a form of communication since the beginning of time. It is one of the most fundamental creative disciplines associated with observation and problem solving. Discover the importance of this technique and how artists Cathy Sheeter, Curt Mattson and Trevor Swanson have mastered it.

Art Discovery: Heavy Metal

For those who choose metal as their media, they must combine the art of design, fabrication and sheer grit to massage the rigid and cold metal into graceful works of art by cutting, grinding and assembling. Discover how Ryan Schmidt, Emily Edmunds and Parker McDonald bring together grit and creativity.

Art Discovery: Faces & Figures

Capturing the emotion and soul of the human spirit in a portrait or figurative painting is a gift. It takes both skill and intuition to convey the feelings, emotions and intricacies of the human form. Learn from some of our expert interpreters..

Art Discovery: Flower Power

Humans have a unique connection to flowers––biologically, emotionally, socially and aesthetically. They are symbols of abundance, life, affection, beauty, joy, and positivity. Their complexity––texture, color, shape, behavior––is magnetizing and creates limitless opportunities for enjoyment and exploration through art.

Art Discovery: The Long Run

The artistic journey is as diverse and there is more to the life of the artist than what we see. Long-time artists David Jackson, Graydon Foulger, Robin Branham and Kirk Randle share what it takes to make it and sustain the life of an artist, and how the Celebration of Fine Art has impacted them.

Art Discovery: Life Through the Lens

In the hands of a fine art photographer, the camera is just one of the tools that leads to exquisite works of art. Discover what inspires artists Bill Pack, Light Hunter, Jon Linton and Carolyn Thome to capture their chosen subject matter. Learn how they then interpret and process the images to capture emotion…

Art Discovery: Lure of the Landscape

Paul Cezanne once said, “To paint from nature is not to paint the subject, but to realize sensations.” The infinite colors, textures, layers and light create the atmosphere that artists strive to capture. Discover how artists Becky Pashia, Suzy Almblade and Martin Blundell capture and share these sensations on canvas.

Art Discovery: Unexpected Mediums

In the hands of an artist, almost any material can be turned into a work of art. Discover the creative vision that inspires artists Sundie Ruppert, Brit Hansen and Doug Fountain to use unexpected media to incorporate and convey their message through their works of art.

Art Discovery: Realism Revealed

Some works of art invite a second look to determine if it’s a painting or if it’s real. The trompe l’oeil style of painting creates an optical illusion of three-dimensional space and objects on a two-dimensional surface. Discover the inspiration and techniques artists Jenny Stewart, Barbara Rudolph and Robin Damore implore to imbue these works with life.

Art Discovery: Nature Calls

Wildlife and nature have been the muse of artists for centuries. Wildlife artists capture the sensation of being close to nature and allow us to bring it home. Discover some of the wild stories behind these works of art and how artists Cathy Sheeter and Trevor Swanson bring them to life.

Art Discovery: Multi-Dimensional Jewelry

Jewelry is art in the wearable form. These miniature sculptures are constructed from a variety of materials often combining carving, weaving, metalsmithing, and stone placement. Hear from our multi-talented jewelers Diana Ferguson, Chad Lieske and Cynthia Downs about their processes and tools of the trade.

Art Discovery: Mixing of Media

There is an art to mixing various media to create complete and comprehensive works of art. Learn how artists Mari Giddings-Axton, Myron Whitaker and Timothy Weldon decide which elements to combine as they build their inspirational works of art.

Art Discovery: Architecture and Art Influence

Art and architecture have influenced each other throughout time. Hear from artists Ryan Schmidt and Carlos Page, and architect Craig Wickersham about the interplay between art and architecture. Discover how art can enhance the architectural elements of a home or building.

Art Discovery: Way of the West

The history of the Western Cowboys, Buckaroos and Native Americans has an intrigue that has captured the hearts of many artists and collectors. This Friday, artists Curt Mattson, Randy Galloway and Joe Wayne will share how they are preserving the history of the West through art.

Art Discovery: All in the Family

It seems artistic talent is both genetic and magnetic! In this Art Discovery, hear from multi-generational artists Greg and Matt Sievers, and husband-and-wife team Sundie and Brad Ruppert about how the talent is connected and how they work together to leave a lasting legacy…

Art Discovery: Abstract Stories

Non-representational artists use shape, color, line and form to create compositions independent from visual references. From minimal to complex, there is a skill level that balances the composition. In this Art Discovery, artists Kathleen Hope, Stuart Yankell and Adolfo Girala share…

Art Discovery: Storytelling & Symbolism

All art tells a story, but some works have specific symbolism or messaging woven through the art. It could be an object that shows up in each painting or something in the background that delivers a message. Artists Pete Tillack and Gabriela Aguilo share…

Art Discovery: Influence of Color

Our vibrant world is filled with color. It influences and impacts nearly every aspect of life from design to mood to emotion. Discover how color trends impact the world around us and hear from artists Heidi Rosner, Beth Zink and Ray Tigerman about what influences their …

Art Discovery Recap: Contemporary Native inspirations

The richness of the Native American culture is portrayed through many art forms and styles––each telling a story, transmitting knowledge and honoring heritage. Discover what compels artists Doug Fountain, Randy Galloway and Ray Tigerman to carry on the traditions and stories.

Art Discovery Recap: Creativity Multiplied

There is a certain magic that comes from two or more creatives collaborating to create their shared vision for a work of art. The creative forces can complement or contrast to take the individual work to a whole new level.

Art Discovery Recap: Metal as Media

Metal is the muse of many artists. How they apply their artistic vision, strength and a whole lot of heat to create compelling works of art is a feat in and of itself. In this week’s Art Discovery, metal artists Ryan Schmidt, Carlos Page and Parker McDonald share the tools and techniques they use to bring their visions into reality.

Art Discovery Recap: Folk Art Fascination

Folk art has been telling the story of local and regional communities and indigenous people for decades. Whether captured through the whimsical depiction of animals painted on a canvas or the use of repurposed collectible items in a sculpture, these works are highly collectible and bring much joy to those who collect.

Art Discovery Recap: Portrait Perfect

Capturing the likeness and essence of another living being is no easy feat, but for artists Judith Dickinson, Ted Nuttall and Robin Damore, it’s a passion. In this week’s Art Discovery, these talented portrait artists share how they each approach portraiture, how they capture the essence of their subjects, what draws them to portraiture, and […]

Art Discovery Recap: Timeless Traditions

Meet the artists who’ve dedicated years of their lives to studying some of the timeless traditions of art and craftsmanship. From the ancient art of Japanese kimono making to hand stone carving to saddle making, these artists found their passion in traditions that have been passed down through generations.

Art Discovery Recap: Let’s Have Some Fun

Picture this: a grand reading room with hot pink cats that at first glance look more like a pair of feathered boas. Or a totem pole stacked high with relics from your childhood like a potato chip bucket, Sylvester the cat mug, and Mickey Mouse. These are just some of the ideas swirling through the […]

Art Discovery Recap: The Western Story

Western art, when accurately portrayed, creates a record of a story that is uniquely American. The scenes of Native Americans, cowboys, horses, and rolling landscapes have long captivated audiences through film and art. Portrayals of life in the West often have themes of adventure and independence but there are larger themes that are integral in […]

Art Discovery Recap: The Inspirational Impact of Art

There is a deep power in the telling of a story. Even deeper is the connection of a shared story––and that’s precisely what the artists from this week’s Art Discovery accomplish through their art. While they come from vastly different backgrounds, they’ve discovered one shared truth: everyone is searching for connection, whether that’s connection to […]

Art Discovery Recap: The Composition of Art

“Music and art are the guiding lights of the world.” – Pablo Picasso Art is the language that gives voice to the feelings and emotions that seem otherwise impossible to articulate. Some artists will take a chisel to stone or a pen to paper or a chord to keys. Some will even mix mediums and […]

Art Discovery Recap: Art of the Gem

Elizabeth Taylor once said, “Jewelry has the power to be the one little thing that makes you feel unique.” And indeed, when that jewelry is crafted by the hands of an artist, the feeling is extraordinary. For jewelry artists Luciano Bortone, Isabelle Posillico, and Paul Farmer, they feel their work is akin to creating miniature […]

Wax On, Wax Off Recap

Encaustic, derived from the Greek word meaning “to paint” or “to burn”, is arguably the most archival medium. Dating back as early as the 5th century BC, this process of heating wax was first used to seal ships but the unmistakable waxy layers have also appeared in many ancient paintings. This primitive and somewhat practical […]

Art Discovery Recap: Addition Through Subtraction

“The sculpture is already complete within the marble block before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.” ~ Michelangelo Subtractive art is a process of discovery in which raw materials are carefully removed as the artist unearths the story within. For artists Brian Sykes, Alan […]

Art Discovery Recap: Nature Works

“When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it’s your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else. Most people in the city rush around so they have no time to look at a flower. I want them to see it whether they want to […]

Art Discovery Recap: Curating a Collection to Celebrate

What makes you a collector? Art can be intimidating to many who’ve never interacted with an artist or purchased a piece. But being a collector is a mindset more than anything. It’s not about the cost, caliber or size of your collection. It’s about the love for collecting. “When I was collecting posters, I considered […]

Art Discovery Recap: Functional and Fabulous

Art serves many functions. It can be used to communicate a message, evoke an emotion or simply take you back to a joyous memory. But even beyond the seemingly intangible experience of art, it actually can serve very practical (and utilitarian) purposes. A number of talented artists have figured out how to take fabulous art […]

Art Discovery: The Key to Composition

Composition involves a series of technical elements such as space utilization and how objects are positioned on the canvas. But the decisions an artist makes about composition can influence the larger meaning and message of the piece, too. Composition is not always about creating a faithful rendering of a realistic scene. Sometimes, it’s about using […]

Art Discovery: The Art of the Bronze

“To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.” ~ Henri Bergson Change is an essential part of life. For sculptors who work in bronze, change and mutation are intrinsic to their work, and themes related to change often shine through in their pieces. Bronze […]

Art Discovery: Nature as Art

“Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.”—Frank Lloyd Wright Artists have long been drawn to nature as a source of inspiration for their art. Prehistoric art dating back 45,000 years features wild pigs, and the famous Lascaux cave paintings depict horses, bulls and cows. Nature is ever-changing, and thus […]

Art Discovery: Tools of the Trade

“Behind every beautiful thing built by man there is a beautiful idea, and behind every beautiful idea there is a beautiful inspiration, and behind every beautiful inspiration there is a magical glance of the artistic mind to the world!”—Mehmet Murat Ildan The artistic process is incredibly personal. While the physical tools an artist uses to […]

Art Discovery: The Melting Point

“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment.”—Henry David Thoreau Working with glass teaches you the importance of living in the moment. It is a fickle and dangerous medium, and often does what it pleases. There is a constant tug-of-war between the artist and the glass, […]

Art Discovery: Considering A Custom Commission?

Getting a custom piece of artwork can be one of the most special and everlasting ways to commemorate a moment, a place or a person –– or simply to tailor a piece to your style. In this Art Discovery, artists Judith Dickinson and Heidi Rosner share how they go about commissions. Regardless of the subject matter, […]

Art Discovery: Architectural Influence on Jewelry

“Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work. If you wait around for the clouds to part and a bolt of lightning to strike you in the brain, you are not going to make an awful lot of work. All the best ideas come out of the process; […]

Art Discovery: Monumental Installations

“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” —Pericles A profound and honest sentiment, but it could be argued that sculpture artists, particularly large-scale sculpture artists whose work graces public spaces, actually leave both behind.  For Bryce Pettit, Ryan Schmidt and Todd […]

Art Discovery: The Line Between Abstraction and Realism

“Nobody is visually naive any longer. We are cluttered with images, and only abstract art can bring us to the threshold of the divine.” ~ Dominique de Menilm, well-known philanthropist, activist, and art collector. Of course, the art world did not always see things the way Dominique did. The Impressionists, who sought to capture light, […]

Art Discovery: The Allure of the Figure

Pablo Picasso once said, “Neither is there figurative and non-figurative art. All things appear to us in the shape of forms. Even in metaphysics ideas are expressed by forms. Well then, think how absurd it would be to think of painting without the imagery of forms. A figure, an object, a circle, are forms; they […]

Art Discovery: Art of Joy

“The true value of art lies not in the product that is created, but in the portal it provides to higher forms of consciousness, fearlessness, and love.”  – Whitney Ferre’ In this Art Discovery virtual series, we chat with artists, collectors, and enthusiasts about how they create and experience the joy of art. Art can […]

Art Discovery: All About Glass

Glass artists are truly shapeshifters as they take raw glass tubes or shards then heat and manipulate them through various techniques including glass blowing, flamework, fusing, casting and stained glass. The end result can range from small to very large installations that captivate the viewer. In our latest episode of Art Discovery, artists Caleb Siegler, […]

Art Discovery: Wonders of Wildlife

Wildlife and nature have long captivated our imagination. For many, being out in nature and experiencing the wild feeds the soul and renews the spirit. Wildlife artists capture the sensation of being close to nature and allow us to bring it home.  In our first fully virtual Art Discovery, artists Paul Rhymer, Cathy Sheeter, and […]

Art Discovery: Facts & Facets of Jewelry Making

“Jewelry has the power to be the one little thing that makes you feel unique.” – Elizabeth Taylor. In this Art Discovery virtual series, artists Shelli Kahl, Diana Ferguson, and Paul Farmer share their inspiration and visions of how to make a stunning statement with jewelry.  With a keen eye, these jewelry makers have perfected […]

Art Discovery: Figuratively Speaking

“And painted portraits have a life of their own that comes from deep in the soul of the painter and where the machine can’t go.” – Vincent Van Gogh The human form is the conduit through which we experience life and the instrument through which we express our emotions. In a general sense, art captures […]

Art Discovery Live: Turn Up the Heat

“Heat, like gravity, penetrates every substance of the universe, its rays occupy all parts of space.” ~ Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier Heat, when applied to certain raw materials, has the ability to completely transform the chemical structure of that material. And some artists have tapped into this fascinating process to transform raw materials –– metals, […]

Art Discovery: Landscapes and Light

Paul Cezanne once said, “To paint from nature is not to paint the subject, but to realize sensations.” Ask any landscape painter today and they would agree. Capturing the light and atmosphere is key to revealing the “sensations” of the landscape. In this Art Discovery session, artists Martin Blundell, Kirk Randle, Becky Pashia and Matt […]

Art Discovery: Captivating Objects

Bringing everyday, seemingly ordinary, objects to life is one of the most challenging and rewarding tasks for an artist. Yet, by masterfully organizing these inanimate objects in just the right way, they find a way to captivate viewers and evoke emotional responses.  In this Art Discovery, four talented still life artists share how they approach […]


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